What if I was to draw, or at least
pretend to draw, a comic book about an
evil-doer just like me? And naturally,
in order to do a good job, I’d have to
think like I was already thinking and
use my fantasies as plots, while also
figuring out ways for the hero to save
the day.
That put a whole new spin on
everything, just enough so I could do
both, fantasize about hurting animals,
while also saving them.
I know that sounds like all kinds
of fucked up, but it worked.
Unfortunately, pretending to do
something like that didn’t work with
the Darkness. I had to actually work at
keeping it away, and the only thing
that really worked was to help animals
to be happy. My happiness came from
* them.
That is until I met Beth.
I’ll never forget Scratches, or my
pets, or love them any less, but now, I
think more about her than anything
else, even my fantasies.
She knows all about what I did,
what I’m fighting, and my biggest fear,
that someday I’ll snap again and kill
her too.
It’s why this Journal is so
fucking necessary, and something I
should’ve started a long time ago, but
now the time for procrastination is
over. It’s time for action.
Anyway, even with all that crap
hanging over my head, she still loves
me, and even goes with me, when I go
out to find animals to help.
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