AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 12: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th << 165 | 166 | 167 >> I said my goodbyes and headed for the door. “Where the hell you going?” Mouse asked, and then jumped right in front of me, as I reached for the doorknob. “You leave right now, and I promise you, I'll fucking punch you out. Now, you sit right back down there, and let's look at this logically.” I looked at Pee Wee, and he said, “You'd better sit down, Crim. You might be able to shake off her right, but her left will sit you down anyway.” I sat down. I'm glad I did, because Mouse had thought about our problem with that logical mind of hers, and the first thing she commented on was how unorganized we were. “You were surprised at how much area you had to cover weren't you?” she asked, looking right at me, and I had to agree with her. I remembered thinking that it was huge. “You need to figure out a way to narrow that much area down to...” she turned and pointed to Pee Wee. “Hot spots,” he said proudly. “Hot spots?” I asked. Mouse explained that what we needed to do was figure out, in advance, where the hot spots were. That was way easier said than done, until Mouse made a comment that got me thinking. “Too bad there wasn't any place you could get some kind of numbers to help you predict where next year's hot spots were going to be.” “Animal abuse cases, that's the numbers we need, but where would we get those?” I said, catching on quickly. “Wouldn't the police have those?” Pee Wee asked. “They might,” I said, thinking that I should call them tomorrow, but Pee Wee and Mouse had computer access to the web, and that helped cut down the research time. Mouse, who had more experience with computers, did the search, and after a couple dozen clicks, found a website that kept an archive of animal abuse cases from all over the country. It was broken down into states, and then counties. << 165 | 166 | 167 >> CHAPTER 12: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th
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