AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 2: MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th << 44 | 45 | 46 >> After Grunt got comfortable, Beth decided that they all needed names, and as usual, was the first to get the ball rolling. “The crazy one’s easy,” she said. “I’m calling him the Little Criminal.” “You would, but what about the other four?” “Let’s see. That one looks like a little bull, so I think Bullseye’s a good name.” “I like it,” I said, “and I want to call that one Jack. You know, for Jack Rabbit” “That’s a good one,” Beth laughed, and pointed to one of the last two. “Doesn’t she look like she’s got a couple guns in her back pocket?” “She does.” “Let’s call her Gunner.” Not that it ever mattered, but I agreed again, and of course, we had to name the last one Bugs. Sunday night, after the Big Bunny Move, we took turns watching and wait- ing for the Big Pig and Bunny Brawl to go down. Well, I took turns with myself, because Beth thought it was pointless, and she was right again, damn it. They got along better than great and even slept together through the whole night. The next morning, while we went round and round about prison life and all kinds of other shit, I got ready to go in and see the DA. Earlier, when I checked the TV, there was nothing about the accident anywhere, but Beth did find something a local blogger had written last week. “People Are More Important Than Animals,” was the title, and it criti- cized the policeman for not arresting me on the spot. After Beth told me about it, she added, “It came out a couple hours be- fore the DA called. It might’ve been one of the reasons why.” “It might’ve been,” I said and thought about it for a few seconds be- fore asking, “Do you think he should’ve arrested me on the spot? He told me that he was gonna leave that up to the DA, but shouldn’t he of anyway?” “Wasn’t he busy arresting those other two guys?” << 44 | 45 | 46 >> CHAPTER 2: MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th
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