AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 12: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th << 164 | 165 | 166 >> “I like that,” Mouse said. We then got out some maps, and the area we were talking about was huge. My daily patrols didn’t even come close to covering that much area, or even a small part of it. I usually drove around the back roads near my farm. Pee Wee decided to do the northern part, because that's where he grew up, and I took the south. Even cut in half, the area we had to cover still looked huge. This was going to take more than three hours, that's for damn sure, but that first year, nothing happened, or so we thought. The next day, I found out that five black cats had been found hanging in a tree, not too far from where I started my patrol. That's why I was never satisfied with just a quiet night. I also had to do a newspaper search the next day, and the day after that, and also replay it again at work, just to make sure. All day, that's all I could think about, those five black cats, and even though the Darkness didn’t attack me full force, the depression was bad enough. That night, I needed someone to talk to, so I went over to see Pee Wee and Mouse. I let them tell me their good news first. Mouse started it off by explaining that, “Even Rico wanted to help patrol, so he did a route that mirrored mine, and I didn't think of it at the time, but both our routes hit all the down- town bars. I ended up driving the same people all over the city, all night long, and so did Rico. “The fares weren't big, but the sheer number of them, and the tips, sure made up for it. “All total, we both made almost a couple thousand dollars, in one night! That's huge for us, and doesn’t even include the tips, plus the two hundred you pulled in hon puts us over two grand. It's the best night, we've ever had!” “And it was a Monday too,” Pee Wee added, “and Mondays are never a good night for us.” “Some people, I guess, don’t like to let a good drinking holiday go to waste, even if it’s a Monday,” I said, and then told them about the five black cats, and apologized for bursting in on what should’ve been a happy occasion for them. << 164 | 165 | 166 >> CHAPTER 12: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th
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