AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 15: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st << 224 | 225 | 226 >> “We Cat-napped a Cat, yeah, but you guys had nothing to do with that part.” “Are you kidding me, we drove the getaway cab.” “The only thing I remember is calling you for a cab ride,” I said and pulled out my wallet, and then gave him forty dollars, “There, that’ll make it official.” He took it reluctantly. “I'll talk it over with Mouse. She's the smart one in the family.” “You're not dumb Wee,” Rhonda said. “When it comes to numbers, forget about it, anyway, we’ve got to go. Maybe I'll stop by, before I start work later tomorrow... uh, today, if that's ok?” I told him that’d be fine. “I didn't get a chance to say bye to Amy, I personally loved what she was saying about humans. Some of us are a sorry lot,” and started down the steps to his cab. “Yeah, you sure are,” my Arch said and then kicked me in the shins. No, not really, but I could see it in her eyes. As Beth joined me at the door, my Arch smiled sweetly and told us, “You both have a lovely evening, sorry morning, and tell the Cat I love her.” When I closed the door, I could've sworn she was a little tipsy. “Why did you give her liquor?” “Oh, come on hon,” she said with that crooked little smile, that always got me, and then turned serious, “Is this going to be a problem?” “Well, yeah, especially if you're going to do this with our kids.” “God, no Criminal. You’ve got to admit that something like this doesn't happen often, if ever? We made more than a hundred thousand dollars and saved a Cat’s life. How often does that happen?” “Talking of which, have you seen her? You didn't see her leave, did you?” I said, feeling a small panic attack coming on. My question was answered, when I heard the sound of flushing coming from our bedroom. Oh Christ, I thought, and then the Cat came prancing back into the room, “Sorry, did I miss something? Where is everybody? What did you do with my adoring audience? Did you throw them out Criminal?” << 224 | 225 | 226 >> CHAPTER 15: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st
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