AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 14: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st << 181 | 182 | 183 >> CHAPTER 14 Friday, October 31st (dictated 1:13 am, Nov 1) While buttoning my clean new shirt, I told Beth and Darryl about what happened at work. Neither of them seemed worried about it, and that mystified me a little. That’s when Rhonda walked into the kitchen, smiling that evil schoolgirl smile that only an arch-enemy can pull off. She looked so innocent, and that was the scary part. She looked like any other fourteen-year-old dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl outfit. The same one her sister was wearing when she went missing. She was putting herself out as bait, so she could catch her sister's abductor, or abductors. I actually feel sorry for the guy, if she ever gets the chance to be alone with him or her or them. I’ve heard some of the shit she wants to do, and man, I thought my fantasies were bad, but some of her schemes were also way the fuck out there. I don’t even want to describe them, except to say, if you know how to torture someone with a cheese grater, then you know what I’m talking about, or what I’m not gonna talk about. It’s actually the least painful of all her ideas. Putting herself out as bait was another of her crazy schemes, but no one could persuade her otherwise. Even her parents were at a loss. She was stubborn and didn't like to be bossed around. “My parents give me enough of that shit. Thank you very much,” she was fond of saying, and would add with a giggle, “I already gave at home, but thanks for asking,” and then she’d curtsey. Even though I opposed her joining the group, I was also secretly glad that she had. She was one hell of a computer genius and could get in and out of almost anything, high security or not. She even knew how to code chips and build her own apps and computer gadgets. I’ve probably explained all that before, but I was also glad she came tonight. I just couldn't tell her that, or the other thing either. << 181 | 182 | 183 >> CHAPTER 14: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st
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