AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 11: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th << 154 | 155 | 156 >> “Roger that,” I said, and then went to my second room, cleaned it, and grabbed the frozen mice. The Oh Oh Room didn’t have any, but that wasn’t unusual. After dropping them off in that freezer down in Shipping and Receiving, I had to run to my assigned station on the Clean-Side. On the way there, I reminded myself to ask Alicia about that bloody bag from last week. I saw her a few minutes later, and she told me the good news. “I just found out, the board is going to investigate, and they’re suspending all euthanasia by them, until that’s completed.” “That is good news,” I told her and couldn’t wait to tell the Cat tomorrow. The rest of the day felt like the floor was flooded with an invisible liquid again. This time it was a foot thick, worse than the molasses, and almost impossible to walk through. I was getting a lot more tired with each step, and it also felt like time was also getting slower and slower. After what felt like hours, I looked at the clock, but only a half an hour had gone by. Don't you just hate days like that? It did give me a lot of time to think about all the frozen mice from that room. I’ve gone over the last year with my eidetic memory, and I can’t seem to remember ever looking closely enough to notice if there was any blood at all, until last Thursday. Finally, I got through the day and raced home to give Beth our two debit cards, but she wasn't there. I only had to wait a few minutes, before she walked through the door and gave me a kiss. “I was at the library,” she explained, “and I’m sorry, but there are still some things you can't find online.” “Did you go to class today?” “Yup, that's why I was at the library, libraries actually. The University Medical Library, and then the Law Library,” she told me while putting her coat away. “After class, the professor gave me three references to look up. One of them was really sad, and I had to go chase it down in an old case law journal. That’s why I also had to go to the Law Library, but first, I gotta know what happened today.” << 154 | 155 | 156 >> CHAPTER 11: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th
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