AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 9: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28th << 120 | 121 | 122 >> I can honestly say, that was the weirdest marriage proposal that I’d ever witnessed, especially since it didn't involve live snakes, tree-frogs, or anything crazy like that. I looked around to see if I could see Fangs and almost went back in but decided against it. While getting in the car, I realized that I didn’t have to tell Beth about my secret friends anymore, and my phone started vibrating. I checked, and it was a text from Beth, “Send me a list of your friends and what they like to eat and drink.” “Ok,” I texted her back, and then saw her waving from the window. What’s wrong with that girl, I thought, and pretended to yell, “I'm still in the freakin' driveway, Beth,” but she just laughed and let the curtain fall. Maybe it's the money? Lots of money can make you feel giddy, and that's exactly how she was acting, giddy. I was also feeling a little giddy, especially with five hundred smacka- roonies in my pocket. While driving, I thought about the Cat and her escape. Getting her out wasn’t gonna be the problem. What happened after that was the real problem. We had the weekend, before anyone would know she was gone, but I wanted to delay that for as long as possible. My fantasy world started churning out ideas, and I let it run in the background while I parked and went inside. A minor problem was coming up with a good reason for being there at mid- night, but I figured that by Halloween, I’d be able to come up with something. As I entered the Vivarium, I was walking fast, but by the time I got to the Oh Oh Room, I was trying not to run. The secret door was closed and more than likely locked, but that voice from the vent greeted me warmly none the less, “Even earlier then yesterday. Very well-done Grasshopper.” “The story,” I finally gasped and fell into one of the chairs. “Get yourself a coffee, while I open the door.” I did that gladly, and a minute later was inside, and she began explaining who the pictures on the door were. << 120 | 121 | 122 >> CHAPTER 9: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28th
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