AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th << 113 | 114 | 115 >> One time, to prove it, she even asked me to spin her around a couple times while blindfolded, and she still hit the fucking things dead center. Other people don’t believe me when I tell them either, and this kind of pisses Beth off a little, because she knows that now, she’s gonna have to put on a show. What surprises people the most isn’t the blindfold, it’s how fast she can draw, and the fact that she fires both guns from the hip. The first time I saw her do it, I simply couldn’t believe it either. She had her hands down by her side, and then, I swear to God, the guns magic- ally appeared just as she fired. Even when I’ve replayed it later, I couldn’t see where they were coming from, and I know where she hides them. When we go out on our patrols, even our daily ones, she always carries two guns with her instead of just one. She even showed me how to shoot them. “In case I need you to back me up some time, Captain.” I didn’t even argue with her, and I can shoot semi-ok, but nothing even close to what Beth can do. I’ve also seen her, with one motion, flip both guns and shoot back- wards. Both of them also hitting dead center, except, I’ve never seen you do that one blindfolded, babe. She also knows how to break all her guns down, clean them, and reas- semble them. That, I’ve seen her do blindfolded. We even have all the equipment she needs to make her own ammunition, but I’ve already explained that part. Myself, I didn't like guns, especially being shot by one, but I have to admit that I felt safer when she was around, and I didn't worry as much when she wasn't. The patrols always lasted from eleven until two in the morning. Half- way through, Beth and I would switch hot spots, unless she had to leave on a call. It was our way of making sure each area got looked at with fresh eyes, in case either of us missed something. She always thought we were the only ones doing these patrols. This Friday was going to be the end of all that. The end of every single secret I've ever kept from her, but how do I do that without also losing her? << 113 | 114 | 115 >> CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th
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