AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th << 111 | 112 | 113 >> They promptly sold the house to the Corporation, and also signed a non- disclosure agreement that, oddly enough, also included talking about their Dad's death. Everyone thought he’d committed suicide, including his sons, and that was mostly because of what he’d said, and also because there was no hard evidence to contradict the suicide conclusion. I'm always suspicious of suicides, though. Even the ones where there was no question about it, but especially the ones that were questionable or su- spicious, like this one was. His death was just too convenient for the Corporation, and it certainly was interesting that JJ had also been a real estate agent. It's one of the underlying reasons why many of the real estate agents and agencies had banned together to sue the Corporation, but the number one reason, of course, was because of the money. No one knew for sure how much had really been spent, because everything was done in cash, and because of the non-disclosure agreements, but that didn't stop anyone from making educated guesses. The most conservative estimate was half a billion dollars, but not every- one agreed with that figure. A lot of people, including the first two real estate agents, thought the Corporation had paid out a couple billion dollars for all that property. The lost commissions from all that, even the low-ball number, was what this was really all about. Anyway, because of all the law- suits, all those houses, more than five thousand, have remained empty ever since that day JJ was found. It looked scary at night too, and that's where Rhonda figures her sister is. To me, it certainly looked like the most obvious place. The problem was with so many houses, you couldn't just break into one and start searching, be- cause someone was sure to try and stop us at some point, probably before we got too far. Even if no one stopped us, that’s a lot of fucking houses to search through. That meant that before we could start searching, we had to narrow the number of houses down to a more manage- able amount, before someone stopped us. If we all put our heads together, Rhonda might be able to write a program that would do just that. << 111 | 112 | 113 >> CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th
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