AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 6: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th << 93 | 94 | 95 >> “Everything about this guy is weird, and I don't know if you can top that bridge thing but go ahead and give it your best shot.” “You say there's something between us that the animals trust, but I think it’s more than just trust,” Beth said with a kind of sad smile. “I think it’s love, but a weird kind of love, ya know? “I don’t think any of our babies have ever felt loved before, and it simply overwhelms them. “It puts them in a... It’s hard to explain, but I haven't seen one dog chase a cat, or bark, or a cat hiss, and they all freakin' sleep together in the same place for Christ sake. All mixed up together, cats sleeping with their heads on the stomach of dogs. Even the new ones do it. “I've never seen anything like it, and I've been around cats and dogs since... forever.” “It's not that weird,” I said defensively, but in the back of my mind, I knew that it was weird. I just didn't want to think about why it was weird, or talk about it, or examine it in any way, just in case that made it all disappear. I wasn't gonna get my way today. “It is weird, hon,” Beth said to me, and then to Randy, “Every Christmas we always bring them into the house, except for the horses, of course.” The theme song from Mr. Ed began running through my head, the Christmas Version, I think. Hmm, do they even have a Christmas Version? “They weren’t here that first year, but the next Christmas Eve, we sang Christmas Carols and also slept with them later,” Beth said, and then smiled, “Out in the stall, not the house. “All our babies would join us when we sang to the horses, and then we’d bring them into the house. All our cats, dogs, pigs and one snake, all stayed in this one room listening to him recite The Night Before Christmas. Most of them fell asleep, but I think he does a pretty damn good job.” “A snake? You’ve also got a snake?!” Randy asked in astonishment. “Yup. Fangs. He didn’t show up until later, but I couldn’t believe it,” Beth continued, “because all he did was just slither around for a while, until he got bored, and then went upstairs. Crim found him in the bathtub. << 93 | 94 | 95 >> CHAPTER 6: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th
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