AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 3: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd << 67 | 68 | 69 >> I think Denise saw it coming and tried to get it in first. “If it’s not really necessary, then why the hell are you doing it?!” Denise said very loudly. I would’ve used a lot more profanity, but she was right. “Since I’ve been here, over twenty years, two mice have totally vanished, and that’s been incorporated into the MCM, but if six mice disappeared like that all together, then it might be necessary to close this whole floor down until we found them, or de-contam- inated everything again. Two or three over twenty years isn’t that big a deal.” It was a big deal to the mice that died, but by then, I realized we had to get the hell out of there. I could see Denise was gonna start yelling herself, and this time it was my turn to interrupt, “I understand,” I said and got up to leave. “We’ll bring it up at the next meeting. Can you try and get someone from upstairs to be there? You know, someone who can actually change policy.” “I’ll try,” Sherrie said. “Thank you,” I replied and walked out. Denise was right behind me. “Why didn’t you...?” she started, but I interrupted her again. “I think she knows,” I whispered. “What? How do you know?” she whispered back. “I’m not sure. I just have this feeling, but I don’t want to talk about it here. Let’s wait until we get back to the Dark-Side.” When we got back, Denise did the dumping, and I fed the Tunnel. For the first few minutes, we vented our anger. While we ranted, Denise banged the cages against the Grinder hard, and I slammed the cages against the conveyor belt that moved everything to the Clean-Side. “You’re going to break the damn thing, Crim,” she said and laughed. I laughed with her, and then we got down to the upcoming meeting. We figured the key would be finding homes for the mice that ended up on this side. Denise could take some, but not a whole lot, because she lived in an apartment and had limited space. I had five acres with a barn, and that meant I could take a lot of them myself, if not all of them. << 67 | 68 | 69 >> CHAPTER 3: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd
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