AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th << 30 | 31 | 32 >> After leaving that coffee shop with a plan in mind, I didn’t care about the rain anymore. The next morning, I went to the bank, talked to the person in charge of trust, and showed her the newspaper ad. She promised to get things started immediately. While the farm would take a few days, she gave me the necessary paper- work to use as collateral for the Nova, and I immediately went to get it. It was old enough and grey enough to be non-descript. It also had a couple small dents, just like almost everyone else’s car. I didn’t even wait. I went out on the firing line that night and tried to find animals to help. Nothing happened for a couple days, but that first time... I think I’m gonna skip this one Doc. Let’s just say, he was already dead, but the Dark- ness didn’t care. I didn’t show up for work until three days later, sleeping next to him the whole time. I couldn’t drive any- where, or even get in the car, because as soon as the Darkness started to hit, I threw my keys into the woods. When I finally was able to get moving again, my house came through. Moving all operations there, gave me something to think about, but I still couldn’t forget him. After that, it almost became an obsession, and some nights, I didn’t get a minute of sleep before I had to start whatever job I was working that day. I’d drive around for hours look- ing for strays, or any animal that was hurt, or being hurt, run over, or thrown to the side of the road like garbage. Left to die all alone, with no one to even try and help them at all. How mean and dark inside do you have to be to do something like that, and that always started me thinking about my own sins. I tried to block that out by doing my best to not only get them help, but also stay with them until that help arrived. If I couldn’t get the poor animal to him, Barry would always come running and see what he could do, just like he promised. << 30 | 31 | 32 >> CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th
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