AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th << 29 | 30 | 31 >> My parents set it up so that on my twenty-fifth birthday, I’d be able to do whatever I wanted with it, but until then, I could only watch it grow. I couldn’t take the money out, but I could use it as collateral to buy a house or go to college. I could even use it to get this Nova and use my savings for something else, like that motel room. I tore that part of the newspaper out and put it in my wallet. I found the real estate section. Houses for sale covered almost all of it. Rentals were towards the end, and as I began to turn the pages, another brilliant idea came to me. Why rent, when I could use my trust fund to buy a house? I didn’t have to be at work until ten tomorrow, and I could certainly get things started at the bank. I looked closer at the page I was on, and the first listing I started to read was a small fixer-upper. It was a two-story ranch on five acres, but what caught my attention was the barn. Barn, I thought, and remembered what Barry told me. Barry was one of the veterinarians that I’d met through the Initiative group, and really the only one that ever talked to me. He was always telling me about running out of room for all the abused and homeless animals he was running across. He had less than a handful of names, that he could contact when he didn’t have the room to keep them. Unfortunately, most of them were stretched to the limit, and the last thing he wanted to do was to start sending them to a shelter, but, “Things don’t look too good,” he told me just a couple days before the election. “Everyone’s out of room, and I’m almost out of space myself.” After using my trust fund to put a down payment on that five-acre ranch, I gave him my name and phone number. He was so grateful, that he gave me both his work and home numbers, and promised to come running, any time of the day or night and free of charge, if I ever needed help with a hurt animal. Until I could find a good perma- nent job, I floated around doing any odd job that I could, long-term, tempo- rary, or not. Most of the time, I worked sixty or more hours a week, while also doing the Initiative thing whenever that came up. I didn’t care, as long as it gave me at least the weekends free to look for and save abused animals. << 29 | 30 | 31 >> CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th
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