He treated Beth like a grandfather
would, always giving her a little      
advice every now and then, and little  
inexpensive presents for Christmas and 
her birthday. When times were slow,    
he’d give her a temporary raise, so she
could get by, or a place to stay when  
she needed it.                         
     Terry, simply fell in love with   
Beth and talked her into moving in     
permanently. Barry couldn’t always     
afford to pay her the money she de-    
served, but this way, letting her live 
with them for free, was like giving her
a good raise.                          
     I wouldn't be surprised if he had 
something to do with getting us to-    
gether that night, and not to get rid  
of her, but more like he was looking   
out for her. I’m sure Terry also had   
* something to do with it, and that        
brings us back to why I kept those two 
things secret from Beth.               
     I should've told her right from   
the very beginning, but it seemed too  
soon after telling her about what I’d  
done. I was worried that if she found  
out about some of the really sick shit 
I wanted to talk about at these secret 
meetings, she’d take it the wrong way, 
and leave me.                          
     I just kept putting it off, until 
after a year, I began to worry that if 
I told her now, she'd leave me for     
sure, because I waited so long.        
     Then, as she left, she’d shoot me.
     Well, maybe she wouldn’t shoot me,
but the missing her part would be just 
as bad. I really do love you girl. I   
could write a couple million Journals  
about how you make every single day    
different and more exciting than the   
one before it.                         

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